Celebrate 10th anniversary of Vivian



Celebrate 10th anniversary of Vivian


Vivian joined Wotech after she graduated from university in 2014, till now it has been 10 years.

Congratulations on her 10-year work anniversary!


In last 10 years, she grew from an intern to a sales manager.

She witnessed the entire development process of wotech, from the initial foreign trade company to the current production factory. And Wotech family also witnessed her entire process from falling in love to getting married and having children.


Passion for work comes from firm belief. She has always focused on her work and supported  through these ten years with firm belief. She has helped make this company successful while positively impacting the colleagues. Thanks for accompanying each other along the way and witnessing each other’ growth


 Thank you for everything you’ve done and continue to do.


We appreciated your hard work!